apple of Sodom 所得玛的苹果 华而不实的东西;徒有其表的东西。
据《圣经·旧约·创世纪》(Bible, Old Testament, Genesis)第19章记载:所得玛(Sodom)和蛾摩拉(Gomorrah)是古代死海(Dead Sea)岸边的两座臭名昭著的城市,那里的居民骄奢淫欲、罪孽滔天。上帝耶和华(Jehovah)降硫磺和火把一切都化为灰烬。此后,在死海这一带出产一种苹果,外表鲜艳可爱,食之则满口灰味儿,可观不可食,人们把这种苹果称为“所得玛的苹果”(apple of Sodom),又称为“死海之果”(Dead Sea Apple),现转喻为:华而不实的东西,虚有其表、金玉其外、败絮其中的事物,请看例句:
The girl is pretty in appearance but hideous in mind. People who know about her regard her as nothing but an apple of Sodom.
Nobody likes it; it’s nothing but an apple of Sodom.
--Do you know him well enough?
--But why is it said some people can fall in love at first sight?
--At first sight? What in him attracts you?
--He’s so handsome, so cool.
--But let me tell you what. He is only the Apple of Sodom..
——我告诉你吧, 他只不过徒有其表而已。)