
作者:天天来源:中华励志网 2012-03-01

ask for bread and be given a stone 要面包却给石头;得非所求。

据《圣经·新约·马太福音》(Bible, New Testament, Matthew)第7章第7-10节记载:耶稣对他的门徒讲到只要孜孜以求,就能如愿以偿时说:“你们祈求,就得到;寻找,就找到;敲门,就给你们开门。因为凡祈求的,就得到;寻找的,就找到;敲门的,门就开了。你们当中有谁,儿子要面包,却拿石头给他?要鱼,却拿蛇给他?……(…Would anyone of you who are fathers give your son a stone when he asks for bread? or would you give him a snake when he asks for a fish?)”

据此,人们用“要面包却给石头”(ask for bread and be given a stone)表示“得非所求;受到冷落。”如:

1. To his disappointment, he asked for bread and was given a stone.


2. The rascal is always giving the old man a stone for bead.





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