A righteous man may fall seven times. 义人可能七次跌到。英雄多磨难。
据《圣经·旧约·箴言》(Bible, Old Testament,Proverbs)第24章第16节记载:“不要像邪恶的人那样企图掠夺义人的家产。义人虽七次跌到,仍必兴起;恶人却被祸患倾倒。(A righteous man may fall seven times and rises again, but the wicked shall fall calamity.)”
由此,谚语“A righteous man may fall seven times.”(义人可能七次跌到。)表示“英雄多磨难。”如:
How can we get depressed by the drawbacks for the moment? A righteous man may fall seven times, it is always true in history.