一部优秀的电视剧离不开强大的制作班底,此次《王冠》更是强强联合了最佳导演和最佳编剧。导演方面,最出名的就是史蒂芬·戴德利(Stephen Daldry)。三次提名奥斯卡最佳导演,执导过《跳出我天地》《时时刻刻》和《朗读者》。编剧方面,则由《女王》、《对话尼克松》的编剧皮特·摩根(Peter Morgan)操刀。擅长人物传记的他,也曾获得两次奥奖提名,对皇室和政治题材尤其得心应手。
Netflix are reuniting the team behind 2006's Oscar-winning royal biopic The Queen.
Writer Peter Morgan and producer Andy Harries have been working alongside Billy Elliot director Stephen Daldry to bring "the coveted world of power and privilege behind locked doors in Westminster and Buckingham Palace" to the small screen.
Aside from the heavyweight cast and crew the streaming giant have signed up, the costumes are also said to be taking a big chunk of the budget.
When you’re doing something that’s period and it’s about one of the most wealthy and famous families in the world, you do need a reasonable amount of money to achieve it.
Queen Elizabeth II - Claire Foy
Claire Foy was obviously made for this role.
Claire Foy简直就是为女王这个角色而生的。
Philip Mountbatten, Duke of Edinburgh — Matt Smith
Matt Smith oozes thoroughbred charm.
Matt Smith(饰演菲利普亲王)魅力四溢。
Sir Winston Churchill - John Lithgow
There's a lot of stern wisdom lurking in John Lithgow's eyes, making him a great option to portray one of the most widely respected leaders the United Kingdom has ever known.
John Lithgow(饰演丘吉尔)眼中藏着坚毅的智慧,他成为完美饰演英国最受尊重领导人的最佳人员。
King George VI - Jared Harris
Though they may not necessarily look alike, Jared Harris does King George VI justice, projecting the monarch's sense of duty and pulling off that uniform with ease.
虽然Jared Harris和女王父亲乔治六世看起来不那么像,但是他展示了君主的责任,完美驾驭了国王的服饰。
Queen Mother - Victoria Hamilton
You only need to take one look at Victoria Hamilton carrying off that mad, feather bedecked hat to know that this is a lady who'll have no trouble embodying the powerful, stalwart soul that was the Queen Mother.
你只需要看看戴着羽毛修饰的帽子的Victoria Hamilton,你就会知道这位轻松展示权力,坚定灵魂的女士就是王太后。
Princess Margaret - Vanessa Kirby
Vanessa Kirby — who plays Queen Elizabeth's younger sister, Margaret — injects a carefree, lighthearted vibe to the series, which you can see from one glance at the funky AF shirt she's wearing in the above shot.
Vanessa Kirby——饰演女王的妹妹玛格丽特公主——为整部剧注入轻松明快,无忧无虑的气氛,从上面剧照中的时髦男士衬衫可见一斑。
Queen Mary - Dame Eileen Atkins
Do we need to explain why Eileen Atkins is a worthy match for the role? No. No we do not.
我们需要解释为什么Eileen Atkins担得起这个角色(女王的奶奶,乔治六世的母亲)吗?不,无需多言。
The former King Edward/Duke of Windsor- Alex Jennings
Wallis Simpson, the Duchess of Windsor -Lia Williams
光看外表是不是就有点傻傻分不清楚了。值得一提的是,Alex Jennings饰演的温莎公爵演技了得,内心的挣扎不甘,但是又不愿受到王权束缚的矛盾心理在Jennings的一举一动间,表现地淋漓尽致。
Tommy Lascelles-Pip Torrens
The Crown is a brand new Netflix original series, which dramatises Queen Elizabeth II's early reign, revealing the personal intrigues, romances, and political rivalries behind the great events that shaped the second half of the 20th Century.
Matt Smith饰演的菲利普亲王,让人看到这位女王背后的男人不为人知的一面。他追求自由,思想前卫,势必和女王产生很多的矛盾冲突。
此外,第一季中最亮眼的无疑是丘吉尔,John Lithgow的演技让人震撼。他的固执,悲伤,愤怒,动情,不需要大幅度的动作,也不需要大段大段的台词,光是一个眼神,一次面部肌肉的颤动,就可以直戳人心。
看了John Lithgow的表演,才知道,生气不光是瞪眼睛,难过不光是流泪,没有哭泣,没有悲诉,几句平静的话里蕴含着巨大的悲伤。
另外一条故事线也十分有看点,那就是女王妹妹玛格丽特公主与离异男士Peter Townsend (Ben Miles饰演)闹得沸沸扬扬的恋情。民众的支持,内阁和教会的反对,是姐姐,也是女王,看看伊丽莎白二世究竟怎么权衡这一切。
It's by bringing... the underlining of restrictions - that The Crown transcends the genre of costume drama about the royals and brings its characters to life with empathy and remarkable dramatic force.
——John Doyle, Globe and Mail
Because this is a story filled with British repression and propriety, the job of conveying subtext falls on The Crown's actors even more so than it usually does in a drama. And the show's stacked ensemble all prove more than up to the task.
——Caroline Siede, AV Club
This is a thoughtful series that lingers over death rather than using it for shock value; one that finds its story lines in small power struggles rather than gruesome palace coups.
——Neil Genzlinger, New York Times
It is a drama that passionately and elegantly makes the case for the virtues of stasis, dullness, and being behind the times, an intellectually provocative line that does not quite lend itself to a 20-hour television series. Six might have been perfect.
——Willa Paskin, Slate