●Young people want to use their world of warcraft gold strength to change the world; wow gold people get their success and happiness through coping with it.
●Nature’s Law: an exception always arise when one expects things to happen a certain way.
●Underneath attitude are your beliefs, s and rules.
★当你坚持把注意力和思想放在问题上,你将看不到身边众多的机会。(波特.海宁格 – 家庭系统排列大师)
●When you keep your eyes and mind on the problem, you will not see the many opportunities around you (by Bert Hei ling – the Family Constellation )
★很多人宁愿生活在痛苦之中,也不愿意解决自己的问题。(波特.海宁格 – 家庭系统排列大师)
●any people prefer living in pain than to have their problems solved。
相关主题精彩推荐:□ 名人名言录·处世交际篇 □ 关于处世为人的名人名言 □ 经典处世人生箴言!很实在唷 □ 励志成功年轻人的处世哲学(英汉对照) □ 佛教经典上的为人处世哲理 □ 英国·处世哲学·格言选 □ 【英汉谚语】职场处世箴言 □ 【英汉谚语】为人处世箴言 □ 15条处世箴言
●Your fear prevents you from facing it,And yet not facingit is the cause of your fear.
★压力来自感觉自己的能力比事情所需要的小。www.zhlzw.com 中華励志网
●Pressure comes from feeling that one’s strength is less than what the task requlres.
●Difficulty comes from thinking the gain is less than the cost.
google_ad_client = "pub-0149582512245117"; /* 250x250, 创建于 08-6-17 */ google_ad_slot = "7907118103"; google_ad_width = 250; google_ad_height = 250; //--> ★软弱的感觉,来自把注意力放在自己不能控制的东西。 ●The feeling of weakness comes from focusing on things that we cannot control. ★每个人都想有更好的明天。就算自刹的人都想有更好的明天,只不过他以为那不能在这个世界找到而己。 ●Evenybody wants to have a betten tomorrow,even a suicidal person,only that he does not believe it can be achieved in this world. ★智慧就是去接受,当你能够接受世界上的一切,你便有最大的智慧。中華励志网 ●Wisdom is to aceept.When you can accept everything that happens in the world,you will have supreme wisdom. ★想去拥有的,只应是使自己积极、奋斗、努力、启发的东西;而不应是使自己埋怨、失望、孤立、懊悔的东西。 ●Things we want to have should only be those that motivate, invigorate,stimulate and enlighten us;and ot those that make us blame ,despair ,disconnect and regret. 相关主题精彩推荐:□ 名人名言录·处世交际篇 □ 关于处世为人的名人名言 □ 经典处世人生箴言!很实在唷 □ 励志成功年轻人的处世哲学(英汉对照) □ 佛教经典上的为人处世哲理 □ 英国·处世哲学·格言选 □ 【英汉谚语】职场处世箴言 □ 【英汉谚语】为人处世箴言 □ 15条处世箴言 ★你会先检查袋里有多少钱才决定进入那一间饭店。只有未长大的孩子才吃了再算,因他们总有父母代为结帐。由此可见:长期的经济问题和不负责任的行为,其实就是在心里上仍是孩童的表现。 ●You would check the money inside your pocket before choosing the restaurant for your dinner.Only children would eat before they check,because the can always cou-nt on their parents to pay for them.From this we may understand:cronic Personal financial problems or irresponsible behaviors are just indications of having not grown up as adults.